The Jumpin’ Company!

Submitted by misty.rindlisbacher on
A student jumps with our guests
Mrs. Holt takes a turn jumping
The jumpers were so talented! Even using many ropes at once.
A student tries to double dutch
The students loved watching
The jumprope assembly was so cool!

Did you have students come home asking to join the jump rope team? We had the coolest assembly this week! The Jumpin’ Company came and showed us so many cool tricks with their jump ropes. They even had some of our students and teachers jump with them! It was amazing and now all of our students want to jumprope all day long!

#santaquinelementary #neboschooldistrict #jumpincompany #assembly #riseup #wecandohardthings

Scott Earl, Shawnee McMullin, Jayden Draper