Gingerbread Creations

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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Mr. Argyle chose two names out of each class reading jar on Friday, December 13.  The students met in the faculty room where they created gingerbread houses using graham crackers and candy.  Once again, It Pays to Read!

Mr. Argyle

Can You Catch the Gingerbread Man

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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Gingerbread day is so fun here at Santaquin elementary. We decorate a big gingerbread cookie. Then that sneaky and tricky cookie runs away from us!  We go on a scavenger hunt to look for him. This helps us become familiar with the rooms in the school.

When we finally get back to class we find out that the silly gingerbread tricked us all and is back in class!  We decide to eat him up!  Something magical happens after we eat him, he comes alive and visits our classroom.  He teases us and we try to catch him.  We chase him all around the halls, and pretty soon we catch up to him!! We finally catch the Gingerbread man!!

Mrs. Garcia

You Are "Snow" Caring

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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Our students at Santaquin Elementary were taught about caring in their Character Development class during the month of November.  Each teacher chose two winners from their class who displayed the character value of caring.  Congratulations!

Mrs. Hamilton

Treasure Hunt

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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The Second Grade dressed up as pirates and went on a search for numbers.  They found numbers in the ones place value, the hundreds place value, specific numbers, etc.  

Mr. Argyle

Kindergarten Sing Songs of Thanks

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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The kindergarten performed songs of thanks for their grandparents.  After the program, the grandparents spent some time in the classroom listening to their grandchild read and making crafts together.

The kindergarten children also visit a retirement home, where they perform their songs of thanks.

Mr. Argyle and Mr. Kerns

Minute-To-Win-It Christmas Party

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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Have you ever wondered what the Santaquin Elementary staff does to celebrate the holidays?  I will tell you.  They have a BLAST!

The staff joined to participate in a service project, eat yummy food, and play minute-to-win-it games directed by Mrs. Brandley.