Science Fair

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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The sixth grade students participated in a science fair project, Thursday, January 30.  They all came up with great ideas and did a fantastic job on their presentations.

4th Grade Literacy Night

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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On January 22, the 4th Grade held their second annual "Write Nite."  It was a huge success with about 80% of students and parents in attendance.  Information was given to parents about how to make reading and writing more fun at home.  Everyone  who came had a wonderful time and many prizes, books, and materials were given away.  To go along with our Utah history curriculum students performed pioneer dances and songs for their parents.  They did an amazing job!

Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Dickie, and Mr. Ekker

Great Teachers

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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We have great teachers at Santaquin Elementary.  Posted are the First Grade teachers and the Fifth Grade teachers.

“When you study great teachers... you will learn much more from their caring and hard work than from their style.”  ― William Glasser

Mr. Jamsa


Submitted by susan.hunter on

There is a website named XtraMath.  This website's purpose is to "help kids master basic math facts.  It is a free web program for students, teachers, and parents."

To get started click on the XtraMath link at the bottom of the document, or click on the "Links" button on the left side of the school webpage, and then click on the XtraMath link.

Once on the webpage, click on the "SIGN UP" link to create a parent account along with an account for your child or children.  The child wishing to use XtraMath can then click on the "SIGN IN" link on the homepage and follow the instructions.

Parents will receive an e-mail once a week showing the progress of the child.

"XtraMath is a non-profit organization dedicated to math achievement for all."  It is a fun way for all ages to improve their math facts.

XtraMath Link

Webpage Links

Submitted by susan.hunter on

We have updated the webpage and want to make you aware of some changes.  There is a "Links" button now located on the left side of the webpage.  This is a main heading that hosts the links for grade level, information, and education.

The Polar Express

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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The Kindergarten students chugged around the school as the Polar Express.  They went all the way to the North Pole, where they watched some of The Polar Express movie, drank hot chocolate, and saw Santa. Santa gave each student the first gift of Christmas, a bell.

Cat in the Hat

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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We had a special guest on Wednesday, December 18 - The Cat in the Hat!  He read Cat in the Hat to the students.


Submitted by susan.hunter on
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The week before Christmas break, the students gathered in the auditorium to sing Christmas carols.