Making 10

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Mrs. Tolman teaching base ten numbers to her class at the beginning of the year.


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Mrs. Rawle's 6th grade class met their ALEK's goal, and celebrated with a parachute activity.

ALEK's is an online math program to help students improve their math skills.  This program is offered to students in 6th - 12th grade.

Healthy Choices

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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Students, teachers, and parents participated in the Fun Run today at Santaquin Elementary.

We would like to encourage healthy choices outside and inside.  Enjoy the good weather and play outside.  For classroom parties and celebrations, try offering some healthy choices.

Look at All These Books

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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Since August 2014, Santaquin Elementary School has received over 5,000 books from First Book, a national book bank.  That is over $40,000 in reading materials to support student learning.

To receive these materials, Mr. Eric Kern applied for six grants in a one year time frame.  These grants were all approved.

We have been able to give these books away to our students during Parent Literacy Nights, assemblies, and within our classrooms.

Mr. Kern

"The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again"

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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In conjunction with our Reading Rodeo, we had a rodeo at the Santaquin fairgrounds with Mrs. Lyons, Mr. Goudy, Mr. Argyle, Mr. Kern, and, Mrs. Tucker.

Mrs. Lyons showed off her barrel racing skills.  Mrs. Tucker and Mr. Kern participated in a hyde race.  Mr. Goudy supplied the horses and helped ensure the safety of the participants.  We had a great time cheering them on!


Mrs. Tucker and Mr. Argyle

Reading Roundup 2015

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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About five years ago, a summer reading program was implemented.  The children who read through the summer and turned in their reading minutes were invited to a Reading Celebration.  In the beginning there were approximately 20 students who met the criteria to attend the celebration.  Two weeks ago, we celebrated with 200 students who met the criteria.

These students participated in a variety of games such as the horseshoe toss, panning for gold, horse races, lassoing a fake horse, a cattle roundup, a camp fire story by Mr. Goudy, and this year, a real rodeo.

Thanks to all the teachers, parents, and volunteers for making this celebration happen.  Good job to all the kids for reading throughout the summer!


Mrs. Tucker

Keyboarding Awards

Submitted by susan.hunter on

Keyboarding is taught by Mr. Bartholomew for a certain amount of time during the year for the 4th & 5th grade students.  The 5th grade students received awards on Thursday, September 24, for reaching their goals of typing a certain wpm with a certain amount of errors.  The higher the wpm with a lower accuracy rate, the higher the prize.  Many students received candy bars and money at the keyboarding assembly.

Mr. Argyle

Who's Who Wednesday

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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I have lived in Santaquin for 22 years.  I am married to Clay Craig, who is a  4th grade teacher at Orchard Hills.  I have three boys and one girl, ranging in age from 22 years old to 12 years old.  I love living and working in Santaquin.


Food:      Costa Vida Salad 

Drink:      Diet Coke

Treat:      Anything with chocolate and peanut butter

Movie:     Pretty much any chick flick

Book:      The Kite Runner

Vacation:   Any National Park with my family

Time of Year:   Spring and Fall


This is my 18th year teaching, all but one of those years, I have taught at Santaquin Elementary.  I teach resource for students in all grades.  I love it here at Santaquin Elementary, it’s a great place to be!


I love to spend time with my family.  We enjoy hiking and playing games.  I love to scrapbook, cross stitch, and read.

Mrs. Craig

Who's Who Wednesday

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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I am the 8th of 10 children.  I was born and raised in Provo. My dad passed away when I was a teenager and I was raised by an incredible mom.  I lived in Provo until 3 years ago when we moved to Spanish Fork.  I am a single mom of 2 amazing daughters; one is 17 and the other is 20.  


Color: anything but black

Food:  all of it

TV: documentaries

Movies: Dad


This is my 10th year teaching.  I taught 4th grade in American Fork and then 5th grade in Payson.  This is my third year in Santaquin teaching 3rd grade and loving it! 


I love to be outdoors.  I love to hike, camp, kayak, waterski, showshoe, camp, and sled.  I love to play board games and visit with people.  I like to learn new things and try new food.  I love culture and want to travel the world.  Who wants to go with me?

Mrs. Harward

The beginnings of bacteria

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Students in Mr. Griffiths class learn about bacteria.  Ember, Alyssa and Lacey take samples of bacteria off of the refrigerator handle in the faculty room.  The students learned that bacteria can only grow in the right conditions.  The sample was put in a petri dish to allow it to grow. The conditions were not quite right as the petri dish became too hot and the bacteria didn't grow.