Who's Who Wednesday

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Ms. B - Art Teacher


Lowell and Barb Frazier married 26 years


Terrence, son 24

Ebonee, daugher 22 (Son-in-law Weston Hansen)

Dakota, son 20

Jaxon, son 16

India, daughter 12


  • Food: Cheese and chocolate (I like them so much I would probably eat them together)
  • Drink: Chocolate milk is my favorite drink
  • Treat: Holiday gas station popcorn
  • Movie: Amelia by Jean-Pierre Jeunet
  • Book: The Book Thief, Walden and Dandelion Wine
  • Vacation: I’m not a great vacationer I  prefer short vacations anyplace with my family
  • Time of Year: Late spring


  • My favorite of all is teaching at Santaquin Elementary
  • UVU for 12 years
  • Alternative photography workshops in Santa fe, NM; Rockport, ME; U of U and Park City, UT


  • Long talks with my kids
  • Motorcycle rides with my hubby
  • Building books and mixed media art
  • Landscape design pulls at my heart strings
  • I enjoy silence
  • My favorite hobby is being silly

Who's Who Wednesday

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Mrs. Colby - Speech Therapist

FAMILY - I am married and have 3 amazing kids


My most favorite treats are Dt. Pepsi and homemade Rice Crispy Treats

Favorite Book - Any book on Speech Pathology :)

Favorite Vacation - Anytime we vacation at the beach

Favorite Time of Year - Fall

I Love to camp, travel, ride, play games and laugh with my family

Treasure Hunt

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The second grade students have been learning about place value.  Last week they dressed up as pirates, and went on a treasure hunt.  They had to find the number in the correct place value to lead them to the treasure. 

Mrs. Tucker

Who's Who Wednesday

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Mrs. Black - 2nd Grade

FAMILY  Husband:  Kelly

Children:  Twin boys Beau and Brady; a daughter, Emmalie; and a son, Rhett


Food: Pizza

Drink: Pepsi, Dr. Pepper

Treat: eclairs/fancy pastries

Movie: “Somewhere in Time” starring Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeve

Book: “You Are Special” by Max Lucado

Vacation: Disneyland is as far as I have ever been—I hope to go to Nashville to visit the Grand Ole Opry someday, and would love to go to Europe and Costa Rica at least once in my lifetime, but it will probably never happen.

Time of Year: Summer

TEACHING EXPERIENCE  One year in third grade and then I did my student teaching in second and sixth grade. 

HOBBIES/INTERESTS  I follow my children around to support their hobbies and interests. They include a mixture of music and sports. I don’t have much time for my own hobbies and interests outside of teaching, studying, and taking professional development classes. I devote a lot of my time to church service as well. I used to enjoy quilting and crocheting baby blankets, but I think I have forgotten how. I enjoy attending concerts, movies, and plays occasionally.

Who' Who Wednesday

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Ms. Camper - 2nd Grade

Family  I have an amazing family!  My mom is my best friend.  She is kind, silly, and an amazing cook!  My dad has always been the perfect example to me of hard work and selflessness.  I also have one older brother, a sister- in-law, two younger brothers, 1 niece, 2 nephews, and a dog named...Bear!


Food:  Meatball subs

Drink:  Mt. Dew

Treat:  Any gummy Candy

Movie: The Pagemaster and McFarland USA

Book:  Don’t Bake That Snake and Each Kindness

Vacation:  Lake Powell

Time of the Year:  Summer

Teaching Experience  I have been teaching second grade at Santaquin Elementary for 7 years now.  I love Santaquin Elementary and teaching!  I enjoy looking for fun new ideas to engage students.  I have had the opportunity to mentor many new teachers, and love seeing their excitement!  Teaching is the best!  

Hobbies/Interests  I love spending time with my family!  We enjoy playing games, laughing, and watching movies and sports.  I enjoy waterskiing, wakeboarding, sandboarding, and longboarding.  Taking my dog Bear for walks or teaching him new tricks is always very entertaining!  You can often find me in the kitchen trying out new recipes.  I find cooking and painting to be relaxing.

Students Learn About Respect

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Each month Mrs. Lyons teaches the students about a character value. During the beginning of September, she taught about the importance of respect.  Each teacher then chooses two students from their class who they feel are being examples of the value.

Some of the students who were chosen for the Character Education Monthly Award said this about respect.

"I think my techer chose me because I help pepole and loke (look) out for others."

"Respect is being nice to my friends."

"I can show respect by following directshons the first time given."

"I think it means beingkind to others and even if you don't want to do it your just do it to be kind.  And be kind."

"I think respect is not talking when other people are and being kind and listening to directions.

"Respect means to me to be a good exaple to others and myself."

Making 10

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Mrs. Tolman teaching base ten numbers to her class at the beginning of the year.


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Mrs. Rawle's 6th grade class met their ALEK's goal, and celebrated with a parachute activity.

ALEK's is an online math program to help students improve their math skills.  This program is offered to students in 6th - 12th grade.