Monster Mash

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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Pretty, amazing, scary, gross, and creative sums up the costumes at Santaquin Elementary today. Every year the teachers and children's costumes are amazing. We had a great turn out for the parade. Thanks for all the support. Today was a great way to end our Red Ribbon week. Thanks for all the spare change donations, and supporting your kids as they dressed up every day this week!

Let Your Imagination Fly

Submitted by susan.hunter on

The 2015-16 Reflections theme was "Let Your Imagination Fly".  Many students participated, letting their imaginations fly as they took pictures, wrote stories, drew pictures, and more.  Thanks to the students who participated, and a HUGE thank you to the PTA for all their time in making this event happen.

Red Ribbon Week Begins

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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The students and faculty all came to school Monday morning dressed in red to support Red Ribbon week which means we want to be drug free.  We all received a smartie and a bookmark that reads, "Too Smart to Start!"

We also had an amazing assembly.  The Rocky Mountain Magician, Theron Milo, came with his assistant, Kate, and entertained us with some amazing magic tricks.  He taught us a saying, "The best me is drug free."

Pumpkin Characters

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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Mrs. Smith's class in 3rd grade has been learning about main characters. The students selected a book to read and then decorated a pumpkin to look like the main character.

Upcoming Events

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Friday, October 23 - NO SCHOOL

Saturday October 24 - Carnival & Concert for Carter Sperry from 10 am - 2 pm at Santaquin Elementary.

Kindergarten Visits Fire Station

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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Kindergarten students colored pictures to express their thanks to the Firefighters, EMT, and Police for their services.  In turn some of those people took time to show the kids what it is like to wear a firefighter's uniform, or to hold the water hose.  Mr. Argyle, our principal and a volunteer firefighter, showed the kids what tools are stored on a fire truck.  There was also a police officer there to explain the importance of 9-1-1 and other safety procedures.  The kids also got to see inside an ambulance and some of the equipment they use to help people.


Thank You Walmart

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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Walmart surprised our school with supplies for the students.  Thank you so much!


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MRS. WRIGHT - 2nd Grade


Husband - a counselor at Payson High

 9 children- 5 married.  Youngest child is a sister missionary in Canada.  The 2nd youngest has Down Syndrome.  This is his last year at Bridges in the district.

15 grandchildren


Food:   Veggies and fruits

Drink:  water

Treat:   yogurt or ice cream

Movie: Sound of Music, Walking Across Egypt, Newsies, Secondhand Lions

Book:  Inspirational or clean Westerns (Zane Grey, L’amour, C M Curtis)

Vacation:  Church History Tours, family reunions

Time of Year:  spring and fall weather, summer and winter holidays


Kindergarten, 3rd/4th , 3rd , 2nd


Quilting, gardening, genealogy, math, history, hiking, grandchildren