3rd Grade Christmas Excitement

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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The children in 3rd Grade rotated between four classes doing a different activity in each class.  Mrs. Smith taught the students to make snow globes.  Miss Tolman read "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!" by Dr. Seuss.

Glass Jars Needed for 3rd Grade

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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We are in need of glass jars for an art project we will be doing on the 17th. If you have any jars that are no bigger than a pint we will be glad to take them off your hands!

(Any leftover spaghetti jar, pepper jar, tall baby food jar, or jam jar will do!)

Ms. Tolman is also in need of 29 plain pinecones.  If you have some to donate, please send them to the office with her name attached.  Or if you know where she could find some, please e-mail her at rachelle.tolman [at] nebo.edu.

Thank you,

All The Third Grade Teachers

Gingerbread Houses

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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For every 20 minutes of reading, a child gets a ticket to enter into the reading jar for a chance to win a prize.  In December Mr. Argyle chooses students from the reading jar to build gingerbread houses with him.  Gingerbread houses were premade so that the students could spend all their time decorating with a variety of treats.  After the child finished decorating their gingerbread house, they picked a book to take home.

Important Safety Reminders

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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Please remind your children when they walk to school or walk home to stay in the designated walking areas.  If there are not any lines, please advise them to walk on the side of the road.

There have been reports of students playing football and walking in the middle of the road.  Drivers are concerned that they might get hit or hurt.  Lets keep our children safe.

Also remind your children that tampering with mailboxes and packages is against the law.  "Mailboxes are protected by federal law, and crimes against them and the mail they contain are considered a federal offense." (May, 2011, about.usps.com, Web.)  Violators can be fined.

Kindergarten Celebrates Grandparents

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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Friday, November 20, grandparents were invited to spend a day with their Kindergartner.  Grandparents participated in story telling, hand tracing, and other activities.  Everyone joined in the gym for a special Thanksgiving program.  The kindergarten students sang several "Thanks"giving songs for all of those who attended.  A great beginning to the Thanksgiving holiday.