Mr. Griffith Awarded the Crystal Apple Award

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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Congratulations to Mr. Griffith.  He was awarded the Crystal Apple Award at a faculty meeting on February 23, 2016.  The Crystal Apple Award recognizes outstanding educators as nominated by their peers.

We appreciate all his years of teaching at Santaquin Elementary.  He is a hard worker and always doing his best to make a difference in the life of his students.

February Student Health Challenge

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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Only 10 days left to go in February to finish the student health challenge which is to spend less time on electronics and in front of the tv.

Did you take the challenge?  If you did, hang in there for 10 more days.

I "Must"ache You a Question

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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Ms. Camper's 2nd grade class learned about graphing and math concepts by asking questions formulated with the phrase "I 'must'ache you a ....".  The kids all had mustaches to wear as they went about learning how their classmates solved math problems.

Ms. Camper

Valentine Cookies

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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We celebrated reading at school today by selecting a student from each class to decorate a Valentine's cookie with Mr. Argyle.  When the kids finished decorating their cookie, they were able to choose a book to take home.  Good job reading!  Keep it up - 20 minutes a day.

100 Day Celebration for 1st & 2nd Grade

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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First grade through sixth grade has been in school for 100 days.  They celebrated with activities, crafts, and games.  Second grade even had teachers who were 100 years old!

Ms. Camper and Mrs. Tucker

It Pays to Read - January

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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The time finally arrived for an "It Pays to Read" assembly.  Reading tickets were in, prizes were set out on the stage, the bikes were displayed, now all that was needed were the kids and in they came.

There were over 70 children who won prizes in K-3, and over 70 who won prizes in 4-6 grade.  They were all so energetic and cheered for each other as they won.

Our bike winners were Adrian Garcia in 2nd grade, and Zachary Adams in 4th grade.  Congratulations and keep reading!


Submitted by susan.hunter on
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The character theme being taught in February is "courage".  Courage means doing the right thing even if it is difficult, and facing your fears with confidence – being brave.

It takes courage to do the right thing.  Stand up for what is right, even if you stand alone.

The following activity shows what happens when we have courage.

The Courageous Egg
Materials: Wide mouthed glass or jar, uncooked rice, egg.

Place the egg in the middle of the glass completely covered by rice. Explain that the egg represents someone who is hanging with the crowd. One day the group starts making fun of other people, the egg doesn't like it so he tells them to stop (tap the top of the rim, the egg will rise up from the rice with each tap). Next, the group of friends starts excluding others from their games (tap the rim) and they start telling lies. Each time the egg refuses to go along with his friends and stands up for what's right (tap again). Continue until the egg has completely risen above the rice.

It takes courage to do the right thing when others are not. A courageous person will rise to the top and stand out from the rest!

Allison Hansen