That's Not Fair

Submitted by susan.hunter on

Have your ever heard your children say, "THAT'S NOT FAIR!"  The following story, "The Three Ralphs", may give some insight to that statement.  The story takes about 5 minutes to read but is well worth your time.

Click here for "The Three Ralphs"

Mrs. Vicki Lyons

Who's Who Wednesday

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Miss Rachelle Tolman

I have one brother who is a year and a half older than me.  I lived in Boise, ID until I was 15, and then moved to Tampa, FL.

Food:  Anything Delicious
Drink:  Orange Juice
T.V. Show:  Scorpion
Movie: Cinderella, Forever Strong, Likes Stars on Earth
Color:  Blue, Green, Yellow
Music Group:  Brandon Flowers/anything really :)  

I love to read, dance, do art, try new things, do anything outside and have adventures with friends.

One day, I would love to visit Ireland.

Payson Jr. High Choir

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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The 6th grade students at Santaquin Elementary had the priviledge of hearing from the Payson Jr. High choir on Friday, March 4.  The choir entertained the students with a variety of songs.

More Science Fair

Submitted by susan.hunter on

More photos of the science fair.  There were so many great experiments.

Brynlee Allen, Caleb Anson, Carter Memmott, Karen Rowley, Jacob Andrew, Caden Rowley, Katelyn Lane, Trista Larsen, Rachel Mckenna, Aliya Lawson, and C. J. Vazquez

SEP Conferences - March 16

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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It is time again for SEPs.  They will be held on Wednesday, March 16. Please take the time to meet with your child's teacher.  You can click on the link below to schedule your time OR go to and click the "SEP Sign Up" link to schedule your SEP.  Thank you so much.

SEPs - March 16

Dr. Seuss Week

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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"There's a Wocket in my Pocket", "If I Ran a Zoo", "Green Eggs and Ham", and "Cat in the Hat" are just a few of Dr. Seuss's books that will be read this week as we celebrate Dr. Seuss.

This week's celebration began with a minute-to-win-it assembly put on by Thing 1 (Mrs. Craig) and Thing 2 (Mrs. Bowman).  The students had a wonderful time cheering on their teacher as they participated in Hungry Hippo, Goin' Fishin', How Wide Can I Swing my Elephant Trunk, Full of Hot Air, Scooping the Ball, or Going Golfing.

Wacky Wednesday

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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"This is no ordinary day! There’s a shoe on the ceiling and bananas in the apple tree, and it only gets wackier."  (Wacky Wednesday. Dr. Seuss, Theo LeSieg.)  Kids have there hair in all crazy fashions, shoes, socks, and clothes don't match, even teachers seem a little wacky today.  Maybe tomorrow will be back to normal.


Crazy Sock Day

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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Socks on the outside of people's pants?  Socks with crazy designs and colors?  Slippers at school?  It must be CRAZY sock and slipper day.