Earth Day

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To celebrate Earth Day, 1st graders were taught the importance of cleaning the earth, recycling, the plant life cycle, and how plants and people help each other. They did art, made a book, planted a seed, and concluded with picking up garbage around Santaquin.

Miss Dooley


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Angela, from the Natural History Museum of Utah, visits Mrs. Vernon's class.  She showed the class igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and crystals.

It Pays to Read - April

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The "It Pays to Read" assembly was awesome this month.  Students are chosen to pick prizes off the stage.  Occasionally,  students are drawn, and select people to shoot baskets to help them win a prize.  Everyone who is selected wins a book.  The student can pick anyone, including themself, to shoot baskets.  There are five slots to fill.  Usually the kids just pick teachers.  This time, however; a couple of students picked their friends and also shot their own basket.  The kids did awesome, reaching a new time for making the baskets.

Camp Fire Party

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Mrs. Harward's class earned a party for good behavior.  The class chose a "tent" party.  The students put sheets over their desks, making tents, played games, and roasted s'mores.

Ground Hog

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Second grade students read a Journey's story called "How Groundhog's Garden Grew".  Then they learned about the parts of a flower, and each student planted grass.  This is the final result.

Foothill Cloggers Visit Santaquin

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The Foothill Cloggers visited Santaquin Elementary today to show off their clogging skills.  There are many girls from Santaquin Elementary who clog with the Foothill Cloggers.  They compete about four times a year against other cloggers in the State.  They are directed by Tara Osborn.

Mrs. Harward - Teacher of the Year

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Mrs. Harward received the 2015-2016 Teacher of the Year award at Santaquin Elementary.  She has been a teacher for 10 years. 

She graduated from UVU with a bachelor’s degree and attended SUU for graduate courses in ESL, Science and Math.

“I believe that students should want to come to school every day,” said Mrs. Harward.  She continues, “I believe that if a teacher is excited to learn, the students will be also.  Learning is contagious!  Each child is important and one teacher alone can never reach each student, but together we can do just that.  There are so many resources available to us in our own building; the librarian, the psychologist, speech teacher, resource teacher, principal, and custodian that all play an important role in reaching each child.  Teaching is not an easy job, but I love making a difference in the lives of students.”

Mr. Argyle said, “Mrs. Harward’s experience and understanding of students and learning facilitate her ability to assist students at their point of need.  She spends the time necessary to plan and prepare for student success.  The love she has for teaching and her students is always apparent to the students and others visiting her classroom.”

A parent, from a previous year, paid tribute with the following statements, “Mrs. Harward always made each student feel important and loved.  She made learning fun and exciting.  She loved my child and helped him in more ways than she realizes.”

Mrs. Harward’s love for teaching shows in the care she has for her students, in helping them succeed, and being excited about learning and trying something new.  We appreciate her example, dedication, and hard work.



Who's Who Wednesday

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Mrs. Dru Tucker


My husband and I love spending time with our family. We have 10 darling nieces who we absolutely adore. We also have a little mini schnauzer named Clyde.

Food:  Café Rio
Drink: Dr. Pepper
Treat: Peanut Butter Bars
Movie: The new Cinderella
Book: The Day the Crayons Quit
Vacation: San Diego

Time of Year: Christmas time because it’s the most wonderful time of the year!

This is my second year teaching second grade at Santaquin Elementary.

I enjoy walking Clyde, hiking, mountain biking, singing, playing the guitar, quilting, and most of all spending time with my family.


Scooter Racks

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Santaquin Elementary has new, bright-red scooter racks in the bike area. Thanks to Mitchell Marriott who came up with this idea for his Eagle scout project.  The scooter racks are full of scooters every day.  We really appreciate his service.