It Pays to Read

Submitted by jen.teemant on

Students at our school put in a lot of time reading.  They are rewarded for their efforts by earning reading tickets. The reading tickets are put into a  drawing. At our Pays to Read assembly, Mr. Argyle draws out reading tickets for the students to earn books and prizes.  This is a fun assembly as kids get to shoot baskets, cheer others on and have a chance to win a brand new bike.  At Santaquin Elementary, IT PAYS TO READ!  Keep it up!

Grandparent Day

Submitted by jen.teemant on

Our kindergartners were able to bring their grandparents with them to class last week.  The grandparents helped their kindergartner with some projects, read books with them and were then treated to a fun program.

Thank you for coming and visiting our school!

Thank You Veterans!

Submitted by jen.teemant on

Last Friday we had a special assembly to honor the Veterans.  We had many Veterans come into class and we were able to learn from them.  We truely apprecaite all of our Veterans and the freedoms we are able to enjoy because of their service.  THANK YOU!!!

Dancing to Discover

Submitted by jen.teemant on

This past week 3rd-6th grade students and their teachers participated in the GAINS (Growing Arts in Nebo Schools) program.  The District Dance Specialist, Melanie Fillmore, has been visiting with students and teachers to help integrate more movement into their day to day learning.  

3rd grade students used dance to reinforce the idea of multiplication and the distributive property.  Dancing and analyzing movement and how it relates to a multiplication sentence.

4th grade danced about the “author’s purpose.”  Author’s usually have 3 different purposes for their writing, and we danced in 3 distinct and related ways to help us remember what they are.  

5th grade choreographed their own dance phrases then used the writing/reading skill of “compare and contrast” to analyze the dances of themselves and their partners.  

6th grade danced in a “sea of bacteria” as they learned characteristics of bacteria.  Ask them to tell you what they remember about bacteria from the experience.  

Many students are also regularly dancing the BRAINDANCE in their classrooms.  The BRAINDANCE is a series of movement patterns that helps the brain to integrate and work more effectively.  

Ask your student or their teacher for more information if interested!


Melanie Fillmore

Patriotic Contests

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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The Freedom Festival sponsors multiple patriotic contests each year in categories including Art, Essay, Speech, Storytelling, and Video. The video contest is open to everyone; other contests are open only to students. The contest theme this year is Freedom.

In addition to receiving cash prizes, contest winners enjoy having their work promoted in the community by the Freedom Festival all year.

The deadline for all contests is November 14, so get moving!

Go to for details on each contest, including age requirements and cash prizes. We are so excited to receive your entries!

Mrs. Lana Hiskey