Zero the Hero

Submitted by jen.teemant on

Keeley Holt

100th Day of School

Submitted by jen.teemant on

We are celebrating our 100th day of school!  We are 100 days smarter! In first grade, we brought a bag with 100 items in it.  We had a read-a-thon and many other fun 100 day activities.  In 2nd grade,  we dressed up like we were 100 years old.

Love and Logic

Submitted by jen.teemant on
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LoveLogic-NoOwnersManual.gif 65.7 KB

Love and Logic is a free parenting workshop that Nebo School District provides to the public.

Image removed.

There's a lot of advice out there on how to raise your kids -- some is better than others. "Love and Logic" is a favorite of therapists, family life educators, teachers, principals and most importantly parents. It's practical, easy to learn and very effective. Come and enjoy this fun, upbeat, useful and free workshop!

Currently Available Love and Logic Courses

Nebo School District

Half Way!

Submitted by jen.teemant on
Attachment Size
Where we are now! 2.18 MB
Where we started! 3.01 MB
Where we are going! 2.81 MB
Our PTA is amazing! 2.56 MB

Can you believe it?  We are already half way through the school year.  Our kids are learning and doing amazing things.  As a school we have read over 1,125,000 minutes so far this school year.  Our goal is to read 2.5 million minutes by the end of the school year!  If we reach our goal the PTA will treat us to a water party. WE CAN DO IT!!