Read Across America week was super fun!

Submitted by jen.teemant on
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Read Across America week was super fun!  

 We pledge to read by Debra Angstead:

"Each book that we read puts smarts in our heads 'cause brains grow more thoughts the more they are fed."


Patricia Garcia

Toilet paper and Math???

Submitted by jen.teemant on
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In Mrs. Greer's 6th grade class, we took rolls of toilet paper and found the surface area of the paper in the roll. Students came up with several strategies to do this.  After we found the surface area of each roll we calculated to see how many rolls we would need to entirely cover the gym floor.  (54).  Then we found how many rolls we would need to cover our classroom...4 walls, floor and ceiling...(98).

Annalyn Greer

5th Grade Wax Museum

Submitted by jen.teemant on
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In 5th grade, each student chose an influential person from history to learn about.  The students had to research, write a biography and create a display.  On the day of the Wax Museum they essentially became the person they learned about. They worked really hard and had a great learning opportunity!

Happy Valentine's Day

Submitted by jen.teemant on

Valentine's day is always so much fun.   Many of our students are so creative.  Check out these amazing Valentine boxes!  Thanks to our parents who volunteer to come party with us!

Extreme Musical Chairs - 4th Grade

Submitted by jen.teemant on
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The 4th graders worked hard all week to stay caught up with their assignments, and we're rewarded with "Extreme Musical Chairs!" When the music stopped, and before they could sit down, they had to perform various activities listed on cards that were taped to their chairs. They did things like, "Do 10 jumping jacks," "Name five adjectives," or "Say three nice things to the person next to you." They had a blast, and didn't even realize they were learning! 

Dayna Vernon