A Train is Comin' Down the Track

Submitted by marlayne.harward on
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First grade has been learning about transportation as part of their map unit in social studies. To improve their writing by using adjectives (describing words), the first graders had to come up with two adjectives that described each different type of train car. They then put their story together in a train and made an accordion book to take home and read to their families. They had lots of fun integrating the art, writing, and social studies!

#santaquinelementary #firstgrade #trains #adjectives

Becca Dooley, Marlayne Harward

Students Show Appreciation for Principal

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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Students took a minute in class to share all the fun things they have learned or observed about Mr. Richins over the past month.  Each class chose a saying or two among the many that were discussed. 

We appreciate all that Mr. Richins does to make our school fun, safe, and a great place to be!

Kindergarten Art

Submitted by marlayne.harward on
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This week Mrs. Holt’s kindergarten students explored how to use watercolor!

#welovepainting #santaquinelementary #kindergarten

Keeley Holt

First Grade Mapping and Art

Submitted by marlayne.harward on
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While learning about neighborhoods and maps, 1st graders practiced their art skills to make a map of Clifford, the Big Red Dog’s neighborhood. They then wrote the order of the houses so as to put a “caption” on their maps.

Becca Dooley

September 11

Submitted by marlayne.harward on
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Mr. Rogers’ mother taught him when something bad happens, look for the helpers.  We can focus on the bad, or on the helpers. Our second graders wrote about the heroes in their lives and what makes them a hero. We are so thankful for our military heroes.

#santaquinelementary #selementary #heroes  #9-11 #bethegood


School Community Council

Submitted by susan.hunter on
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Dear Parents,

Due to the opening of Apple Valley Elementary, our School Community Council membership was taken down to only 2 remaining members, and 1 of the 2 was up for re-election by ballot.  Because of this unique circumstance, I requested for any parent that showed interest in participating to let it be known by email, phone call, or personal drop in.  This message was emailed out to all parents via the district Blackboard Communication System.

I am happy to say that because we needed a whole new council, I have invited all who showed interest a position for the 2018-2019 school year.  This is a two year commitment by parents.  Thank you for giving your time to our school.  The bi-laws state that we should continue with approximately 50% on each year and 50% going out after their second year.  With that being said, if you are interested in joining the School Community Council in either 2019 or the following year, 2020, please let Mrs. Hunter know some time during the year.  If we have more interest than spots available, names will be placed on a ballot for parent voting.

School Community Council and PTA are both great ways for parents to learn more about our school and to have a voice.


Mr. Richins

Mr. Richins

Looking For Help

Submitted by marlayne.harward on
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Our school is hiring adult and student sweepers. We are also in need of a special education technician.   Please click on the link below for more information.