Santaquin Elementary 'Back to School' Night

Submitted by kali.brown on
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Parents, students, teachers, and faculty were all in attendance Thursday evening at our annual Back to School Night at Santaquin Elementary, August 23rd.  Families were able to visit with teachers about the procedures and policies in their students' classrooms, as well as receive information and sign up for upcoming events through the efforts of our wonderful PTA.  We were excited to review our school vision of:  Everyone caring, involved, and improving.  At Santaquin, we celebrate success because ... ALL students are OUR students!  Thank you for your support of our learning!

Safe School Assembly at Santaquin

Submitted by kali.brown on
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On Thursday morning, August 23rd, students and faculty participated in our 'kick off' Safe School Assembly.  We were reminded of school-wide expectations, such as:  what appropriate behavior looks like, safety always comes first, respect for ourselves and others, etc.  We are so grateful to have a beautiful school building to come to each day where we know we are safe and able to learn.  We each make the difference at Santaquin Elementary!

5th Grade Readers' Theater in Santaquin

Submitted by kali.brown on

The 5th grade teachers at Santaquin Elementary, joined by members of the Adminsitrative Team, treated the fifth grade students to an original portrayal of the classic 'Little Red Riding Hood' in their literary introduction to Readers' Theater.  The students cheered wildly as the Wolf, played by Mr. Kern, 'dismissed' the grandmother, portrayed by our very own Principal Argyle (in full costume).  To everyone's great relief, the reading concluded with a rousing game of baseball!  Thank you, Fifth Grade Teachers, for making literature come alive for our students!

Santaquin Elementary 2012-2013 Open House

Submitted by kali.brown on
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Monday, August 20th, found students and parents at Santaquin Elementary exploring classrooms and meeting new teachers at our annual Open House.  Everyone is very excited for another amazing school year.  Good luck and happy learning!


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The students at Santaquin Elementary read over 90,000 days this year!! At the beginning of the year Mr. Argyle committed to run one foot for every day they read. Although 18 miles would have met his commitment, Mr. Argyle ran an additional 8.2 miles to show the students that they can always ‘go the extra mile’ by reading one more book or five more minutes. Congratulations to all the students and to Mr. Argyle!!!


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Santaquin’s last ‘It Pays to Read’ assembly was held this month. Sammy Falcon and Katelyn Reeves won bikes and Gage Stilson and Scott Nichols won a $50 Scholarship. Congratulations!!! Remember to READ EVERY DAY THIS SUMMER!!!


Santaquin Elementary Planning Retirement Party for Cleone Brost

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Family, friends, colleagues, and former students who would like to celebrate with Mrs. Brost are welcome and invited to attend an open house at Santaquin Elementary on Wednesday, May 23, 2012 from 2:30-4:00 pm.  Light refreshments will be served.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

One student from every class was selected to have a pizza party with Mr. Argyle. These students earned tickets for meeting their reading goals. Some of these students regularly visit the Santaquin City Library to check out their reading material. Congratulations students!! More pictures on our website under 'school news':



Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Mr. Argyle, principal at Santaquin Elementary, continues to pay students to read.  This month in our ‘It Pays to Read’ assembly, students who meet their reading goals have a chance to win money and prizes. Students chosen may win books, toys or candy, be able to shoot a basketball to win money or even a new bicycle. This month’s winners of the new bikes are 1st grader, Rachel Bentley and 6th grader, Jasmine Gonzales!! CONGRATULATIONS AND KEEP READING EVERY DAY!!


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Cleone Brost is a 2nd grade teacher at our school. Cleone plans for success with each of the students. Cleone’s experience and understanding of students, facilitates her ability to assist students with specific needs. She actively works with staff members and shares her expertise as an educator. Cleone is committed to implement new ways of teaching in order to meet the needs of individual students. Love and genuine concern is always apparent as she strives to help each child reach their full potential. She is a leader in her classroom and throughout the school.