100 year old "subs"

Submitted by annalyn.greer on

Second-grade teachers were mysteriously absent today and were replaced by 'Substitute Teachers' claiming to be 100 years old.  What a coincidence!!!  It was the 100th day of school.  Students were reminded as they entered their classrooms that they were officially 100 days smarter!

100th Day of School in Santaquin

Submitted by kali.brown on
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Monday, January 28th, was the 100th day of school for second graders at Santaquin Elementary!  "It's the 100th day of school today ... let's start the day with a grin.  For tomorrow will be 101 .. so let the celebrations begin!"  There were all kinds of fun activities to celebrate having spent 100 exciting days learning, i.e., 100 piece puzzles, triple-digit math problems, games with the hundred board, read 100 books, write 100 words, etc.  We also had some very special visitors in our classrooms ... Mr. and Mrs. Harry and Henrietta Undreth, to name just a few!

Convectional Learning

Submitted by annalyn.greer on
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Mrs. Pando's sixth-grade class watch as the movement of hot water and cold water are demonstrated.  The hot water is less dense and will actually "float" on the colder water.  In the pictures, the hot water is colored red.  The colder water, colored blue, stays to the bottom.  

The students have been learning the 3 types of heat transfer energy:  conduction, convection, and radiation.

It Pays to Read ... Minute to Win It!!

Submitted by kali.brown on
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Each student at Santaquin Elementary has been working very hard on their reading to collect reading tickets for our January 'It Pays to Read' Assembly.  Mr. Argyle shook things up a bit this month with a 'Minute to Win It' theme for our celebration.  Students were given one minute to shoot baskets, jump rope, knock down bowling pins, score a hockey goal, etc.  Lucky winners won cash for every station they completed within the minute time frame!  Tons of students won books and prizes, some with $ money $ inside.  Two grand prize winners left with their very own BIKE!  It definitely pays to READ at Santaquin!

Relay Relay Cold

Submitted by annalyn.greer on

What  better way is there  to have fun inside (when it's too cold to play outside) than to have Relay races in the gym? 

Santaquin Elementary second-grade students met in the school's gym for their morning recess and had a great time while they got the wiggles out.  Student Photographers Joseph Jacklin and Elli Crook captured the fun for us to share.

photos by student photographers Joseph Jacklin and Elli Crook

Winter Solstice Shadows

Submitted by annalyn.greer on
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Every equinox and solstice sixth-grade students line up to have their pictures taken.  We do this so that the students can compare the length of the shadows as the earth's tilt changes with the seasons.  In the winter the days are short and the shadows are long.  This is because the sun is low in the sky.  At the equinoxes in September and March the shadows are the same length!!  And if we were in school during the summer, we'd take a picture and see that the shadows are very small because the sun is high in the sky. 


Reading Buddies Share a Fun Christmas Storytime

Submitted by annalyn.greer on
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Miss Camper's second-grade students came to Mrs. Greer's class for a fun Christmas Storytime treat.  Mrs. Greer has been collecting stuffed characters from children's stories and at Christmas the students are allowed to read with the characters.  The second-grade students listened to stories read by their sixth-grade "buddies".  It was fun for the students to have a toy in their hands that matched the character in their books.  We hope to make this a Christmas tradition!!

Hats Off to Christmas

Submitted by annalyn.greer on

One of the favorite activities of the season was decorating top hats!!  Students spent time on the Tuesday before moving from activity to activity.  First, they went ice-skating in the gym, then they made snowmen hats, and ended the afternoon with a soldier from World War I  (well portrayed ).

We have many fun traditions at Santaquin at Christmas time, and this is probably our favorite!

Sensational Season Lesson

Submitted by annalyn.greer on

All three grade 6 classes had a chance to do some observations with the district "Seasons" kit.  The students measured energy hitting different parts of the globes.  The globes were positioned on the desks to represent the relationship of the earth to the sun in all four seasons.  Mrs. Rawle measured and placed each station the same distance from the lamps representing the sun, so that the students would get an accurate reading.

Students used a heat sensitive pad with a probe to measure the amount of heat hitting the sensor. They then observed the light/energy on a sensor representing Utah in the Northern Hemisphere and Argentina in the Southern Hemisphere.


Photos by Judy Rawle