Valentine's Day at Santaquin

Submitted by kali.brown on

Students and teachers alike enjoyed a very eventful Valentine's Day in Santaquin today.  Classrooms were full of doughnut eating contests, passing out of valentines, games, and goodies.  It doesn't have to be expensive ... a simple card will do; as long as you put your heart into it, and show that it's really from you!  Happy Valentine's Day from everyone at Santaquin Elementary!

Getting Jazzed about Band and Orchestra

Submitted by annalyn.greer on
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Payson Jr. High students came to our school on Wednesday to show the 6th-graders how much fun it is to be in band and orchestra.  As the classes entered the gym, the Jazz Band was rockin' !!!  It was fun to see that many of the students performing had been students here at Santaquin Elementary. 

Parents who have students who are interested in joining the band or orchestra need to attend a meeting Tuesday, April 23, at 7:00pm at the PJHS.  That's the same day as the 6th-grade Hershey Track so it should be easy to remember.

There are many reasons to learn to play an instrument, for example, a ten-year study shows that students who study music achieve higher test scores, and have fewer discipline problems. 



Science Fair 2013

Submitted by annalyn.greer on
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Students from the 4th, 5th and 6th Grades participated in the annual Science Fair on Feb. 8, 2013.  Many interesting projects were entered.  Hours and hours of preparation went into  the presentation of their scientific research.  10 projects from the 5th and 6th grade entries were selected to compete at the District Science Fair.  Top scoring entries from all three grades were given trophies.  Great job students!

Photos by Dodd Greer

Inside Outside Day

Submitted by annalyn.greer on
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Sixth-grade student, Nikki Mortensen, had surgery on her foot and couldn't go outside to enjoy the beautiful sunshine and play in the snow, so her teacher brought a little of the outside, inside.

Nikki was able to build a snowman in the classroom!!


Photo: Judy Rawle

Second Grade Readers Theater Presents ...

Submitted by annalyn.greer on
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Readers from the second grade gave the sixth-graders a treat Friday afternoon as they performed a reader's theater complete with scenery.  The second grade students have worked hard on their parts during reteach and enrich time. 

Photos: Garrett Lopez

Me and My Shadow

Submitted by annalyn.greer on
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Several students from Payson Junior High were back in our school today reliving the best time of their lives!  This time they were here to learn what goes on behind the scenes as they "job-shadowed" many of the employees here.  Student reporters Joseph Jacklin and Elli Crook took a walk around the building to take a peek at what our past students were doing today. 

Photos by: Joseph Jacklin and Elli Crook

Kindergarten Parent Literacy Night

Submitted by kali.brown on

This year's Kindergarten Parent Literacy Night at Santaquin Elementary was a huge hit!!  The Kindergarten teachers worked hard to provide families with tons of strategies and ideas to help the children learn to read.  Students went home with books, comprehension cubes, retelling storyboards, and fluency tools to help them become On-the-Spot readers.  We all learned about the new Raz-Kids online leveled library tool where each child has their very own library of books selected especially for them.  Santaquin Kindergarten students LOVE to read!

We LOVE Mr. Goudy!

Submitted by kali.brown on
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Santaquin Elementary has the BEST custodian!  Mr. Goudy can be seen cleaning the snow off of all the teachers cars after school many an afternoon.  He can be found at all times making sure the school grounds are clean and safe for all who come to Santaquin.  As of today, he has spread 1600 lbs of rock salt to keep us from slipping.  What a great guy ... we are so lucky to have him!  Thank you, Mr. Goudy!